Monday, September 19, 2011

Ice Hockey Bible Minsitry

Hey Guys!

I'm writing with a very special request - as most of you know, I am an avid hockey fan. Well - I have started a ministry this last season, where I have gotten to know a couple of the players, I had the privilage of getting to know them, and I have been given the oppurtunity to witness to them, send them Bible verses weekly, and buy them each a Bible. These couple players have told me how much I have encouraged them, and just by me telling them I'm praying for them, they have told me that they needed to hear that and were having a difficult day. They are opening up more and more all the time to the Word of God!

Well, I don't have a specific name for this unless you just want to call it, "Hockey Ministries"

I have a goal this year to buy each player on the Waterloo Black Hawks & Des Moines Buccaneers team a Bible. These guys need the Lord, and if no one shares the Word of God with them then they are going to hell. I want to be able to play that part in trying to get them to have a sweet relationship with Jesus Christ and to know Him!

But - I can't do that on my own. I'll need it least 23 Bibles, but including the Des Moines team, I'll need 46. Will you join with me in helping me win these guys to Jesus? You could play a big part in helping to grow the Kingdom of God!

So, I'm trying to get the word out as best as I can to try to raise money. I'm hoping to have enough by Christmas. So, I'm asking that you would please help me by donating some money to this cause. I have currently raised $150 dollars, and I need as much money as I can to get Bibles for both teams! Bibles definitely aren't cheap.

If you would like to donate please write me and I will give you more information if you would like, and addresses..etc..

Please be praying for these guys, and be praying about what God may want you to do to help me with this!

This is all about winning these guys for Jesus!

Thank you so much! And I appreciate all the help I can get! Also - I have currently raised $180!



Hey Blog Mates or anyone who is just visiting!
Thank you for stopping by! Please come bback anytime, and Please leaveme a comment, I love them!